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Lingonberry Jam, anyone?

It’s our first Saturday out of quarantine! We headed out to find some essentials for our new place while we wait the delivery of all our stuff. Where did we go, you ask? Where does anyone go to find cheap toilet brushes and trash bins? We made the great pilgrimage to the one and only Ikea. The nearest location is about a 45 minute drive for us and our new (to us) Kia. I was worried at first it would be overwhelming, that I wouldn’t be able to read the price tags or tell what size duvet I was buying. But once we got there it dawned on me that I have always been a foreigner in an Ikea. I was still an American shopping in a Swedish store.

Like any Ikea on a Saturday, it was packed. But besides the shoppers the store was identical to any I've been to. The same layout and the exact same products I was counting on. Despite our lack of speaking Korean, we fit right in. Before we began our caravan through the store we settled in for lunch. Yes, I had the meatballs.

The biggest difference is how rule and safety oriented everyone is. The showroom traffic is a one way road. There’s no back tracking because you forgot potholders. I was stopped twice because I hadn’t buckled Rosie back into the child seat on the shopping cart. Ah yes, the shopping cart seat belt.. right. If you know me at all - you know I follow the rules. Even at Ikea. Every one wore a mask, even most of the toddlers. The majority of employees spoke English and were very helpful and patient. We piled our cart high with new duvets, colorful plastic cups, and about 47 other things. Good thing I remembered our Friends and Family card...which I still can’t figure out the benefits of.

And like any Ikea, four hours after we arrived, we loaded up our car completely exhausted and vowed to never come again.

We moved into our new place today and are putting all our great finds to use!

Much love,


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Margie Spence
Margie Spence
Aug 11, 2020

I am absolutely loving reading about your adventures! Miss you all.

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