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Mom Jeans

When I first found out about the possibility of us moving to South Korea, the very first thing I did was go out and buy jeans. It was the start of me processing leaving my full time job to stay home with our girls. What did I feel I would need? Nice jeans. Really nice, jeans. I bought two pairs of Kut jeans that day back in March. Today, our first day of freedom from quarantine, I slipped on my new Mom jeans, and man, they were worth it. It could be the fact that I’ve worked in a no jean environment for the last three years and have been coveting the soft feel of denim that was saved only for the weekends, but I had missed them! I feel I’ve prepared wisely. Also, relieved I choose the stretchy fit.

There is a hurricane like rain that’s coming down in sheets here this week. We’ve arrived for the annual kick-off of monsoon season. And without being too dramatic, even the locals tell me this rain is unusually heavy. It’s also dark here during the day. Like Demontor Dark. So, not a terrible time to get organized.

Our to-do list is exhaustive but we’ve checked off some good ones:

  1. Get access to come and go on and off the Army Installation

  2. Get my ration card for grocery shopping (squashing all hopes of selling Cheerios and Oreos on the black market. I’ll have to come up with some other small business plan)

  3. Get Korean SIM cards for our phones -time to say goodbye to my beloved North Carolina number.

  4. Get Tim’s Driver’s License

  5. Explore Korean housing options

So, friends, please download What’sApp, so we can keep in touch! Here's a few photos from our first days out of quarantine. Olive is loving having a TV again. I'm off to buy a car on Facebook.... wish us luck!

P.S. I finished my cross-stitch. I'd like to think that Caroline Ingalls would be proud.

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